service tax Act (ST)
Service tax is ~ as the name suggests - a tax on services.
All the service providers, except those mentioned in the negative list of the act are required to obtain service tax registration number if his gross receipts from services exceeds specified limits.
A single registration is sufficient even when the company is providing more than one taxable services. However the entity has to mention all the services being provided in the application for registration.
A fresh registration is required to be obtained in case of transfer of business to another person.
The service provider is required to collect service tax and pay the same to government quoting the valid service tax number. Also the return required to be filed should have valid service tax number.
Our compliance team is experienced in advising company on applicable rates and classification under the Act and would assist the company with obtaining necessary registrations, tax payments and filings.
For more details of the documents required and any related advisory, feel free to connect with our team on
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